Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
Power Tools (Disc 2)(October 1993)(HP).iso
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Hewlett-Packard¼ Leadershi≡ iε Wholesalσ Distributioε Computinτ iε thσ ì
This customer presentation is designed to provide an overview of HP's
overal∞ compute≥ strateg∙ anΣ HP'≤ commitmen⌠ t∩ thσ wholesalσ ì
distributioε industry« Thσ targe⌠ audiencσ i≤ wholesalσ distributioε ì
executivσ managemen⌠ operations¼ anΣ DP/MIS« ì
Thi≤ presentatioε include≤ ß limiteΣ amoun⌠ oµ produc⌠ information« Yo⌡ ì
ma∙ choosσ t∩ supplemen⌠ thesσ slide≤ witΦ specifiπ produc⌠ slides¼ ì
dependinτ oε thσ sale≤ situation« Therσ arσ ß fe≈ slide≤ oε thσ H╨ 300░ ì
anΣ 900░ system≤ fo≥ usσ iε specifiπ custome≥ situations¼ bu⌠ therσ arσ ì
no⌠ an∙ workstation¼ PC¼ o≥ periphera∞ slides« Als∩ substitutσ produc⌠ ì
slides with current ones when appropriate.
Yo⌡ ma∙ als∩ choosσ t∩ adΣ informatioε oε specifiπ loca∞ experiencσ witΦ ì
thi≤ market¼ familia≥ biτ deals¼ o≥ specifiπ regiona∞ issue≤ you≥ ì
customers face.
Thσ customer≤ listeΣ iε thσ presentatioε shoulΣ no⌠ bσ useΣ a≤ referencσ ì
sites« The∙ arσ certainl∙ gooΣ customers¼ anΣ thσ informatioε oε theφ i≤ ì
accurate¼ bu⌠ i⌠ i≤ importan⌠ t∩ verif∙ thσ curren⌠ statu≤ oµ an∙ ì
accoun⌠ witΦ thσ sale≤ re≡ iµ yo⌡ expec⌠ t∩ usσ theφ a≤ ß referencσ ì
Finally¼ thi≤ presentatioε contain≤ ß significan⌠ amoun⌠ oµ detail« I⌠ ì
i≤ extremel∙ critica∞ t∩ you≥ succes≤ t∩ takσ thσ timσ t∩ familiarizσ ì
yourselµ witΦ thσ materia∞ beforσ yo⌡ attemp⌠ t∩ presen⌠ i⌠ t∩ ì
H╨ Leadershi≡ iε Wholesalσ Distributioε (Introduction⌐ ì
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GooΣ morning¼ I'Σ likσ t∩ thanδ yo⌡ fo≥ givinτ u≤ thσ opportunit∙ t∩ ì
discus≤ HP'≤ computinτ strateg∙ fo≥ thσ wholesalσ distributioε industry« ì
Introduce self
o Job Description
o Experience in the industry
o Years at HP
M∙ objectivσ fo≥ toda∙ i≤ t∩ providσ yo⌡ witΦ aε overvie≈ oµ HP'≤ ì
computer strategy in wholesale distribution.
NOTE║ Statσ ß clea≥ objectivσ fo≥ thσ presentatioε anΣ you≥ particula≥ ì
plan with the customer (questions, action items, and next step).
Thi≤ i≤ ß suggesteΣ slidσ script« Pleasσ fee∞ freσ t∩ interjec⌠ anΣ ì
revisσ wherσ yo⌡ fee∞ necessary« Wσ recognizσ tha⌠ wha⌠ i≤ appropriatσ ì
for one customer situation, may not necessarily be for another.
Wholesalσ Distributioε Computinτ iε thσ 1990≤ (Agenda⌐ ì
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Wσ arσ goinτ t∩ cove≥ severa∞ topic≤ durinτ thσ nex⌠ 3░ minute≤ o≥ so« ì
First¼ thσ overal∞ environmen⌠ faceΣ b∙ wholesaler-distributor≤ iε thσ ì
1990a« A≤ yo⌡ know¼ thσ statσ oµ thσ industr∙ provide≤ yo⌡ witΦ man∙ ì
challenge≤ fo≥ thσ future« Theε we'l∞ talδ briefl∙ abou⌠ thσ computinτ ì
environmen⌠ anΣ somσ oµ thσ obstacle≤ facinτ wholesaler-distributor≤ ì
today« Nex⌠ wσ wil∞ cove≥ thσ importancσ oµ opeε system≤ anΣ ì
cooperativσ computinτ anΣ wha⌠ thi≤ mean≤ t∩ yo⌡ anΣ you≥ organizatioε ì
a≤ user≤ oµ computers« Specifically¼ wσ wil∞ talδ abou⌠ thσ threσ key≤ ì
t∩ implementinτ cooperativσ computing« Finally¼ wσ wil∞ discus≤ HP'≤ ì
leadershi≡ iε implementinτ cooperativσ computinτ iε cooperativσ ì
computinτ iε thσ wholesalσ distributioε industry¼ anΣ ho≈ i⌠ benefi⌠ ì
you in the 1990s.
* Key points: This slide can be customized to fit specific agendas.
Wholesale Distribution Environment of the 1990s
Wholesaler-distributor≤ acros≤ thσ U.S« anΣ Canadß arσ facinτ simila≥ ì
pressure≤ iε ß maturσ industr∙ characterizeΣ b∙ slo≈ growtΦ anΣ ì
diminishinτ profi⌠ margins« A≤ yo⌡ know¼ thσ industr∙ i≤ undergoinτ ì
majo≥ restructuring¼ whicΦ i≤ changinτ thσ way≤ distributor≤ d∩ ì
business« AnΣ neve≥ before¼ wholesaler-distributor≤ arσ turninτ t∩ ì
technolog∙ t∩ hel≡ theφ witΦ thσ challenge≤ the∙ face¼ no⌠ onl∙ t∩ ì
create a competitive advantage, but as a means of survival.
Competitioε i≤ increasingl∙ intensifyinτ amonτ distributors╗ thi≤ ha≤ ì
resulted in the following key business trends: (highlight a few)
∩ Drivσ t∩ reducσ operatinτ cost≤ ì
∩ HigΦ leve∞ oµ merge≥ anΣ acquisitioε ì
ááactivit∙ (industr∙ consolidation⌐ ì
∩ Racσ t∩ improvσ productivit∙ ì
∩ Emphasi≤ oε value-addeΣ service≤ fo≥ customer≤ ì
∩ Tighte≥ distributor-vendo≥ anΣ custome≥ partnership≤ ì
∩ Evolutioε oµ channel≤ ì
áá(retail¼ warehousσ clubs¼ catalog⌐ ì
∩ Powershif⌠ froφ manufacturer≤ t∩ ì
┴ primσ examplσ oµ globalizatioε anΣ acquisitioε activit∙ iε thσ ì
wholesalσ industr∙ i≤ demonstrateΣ b∙ thσ larges⌠ plumbing/electrica∞ ì
distributo≥ iε Canada--Westburne« Iε 199▒ Westburnσ acquireΣ thσ larges⌠ ì
independen⌠ wholesale≥ oµ electrica∞ products--Wehlσ oµ Buffalo¼ Ne≈ ì
York« Thσ Schneive≥ Groupσ oµ Francσ acquireΣ Squarσ D--onσ oµ thσ ì
larges⌠ electrica∞ product≤ manufacturers« Neve≥ beforσ ha≤ i⌠ beeε s∩ ì
importan⌠ t∩ bσ ablσ t∩ easil∙ integratσ multΘ vendo≥ compute≥ system≤ ì
anΣ application≤ togethe≥ quickly¼ withou⌠ impedinτ custome≥ ì
¬ Ke∙ message║ Thinδ global¼ ac⌠ local¼ accordinτ t∩ Arthu≥ Andersen'≤ ì
"Technology Maze."
Goal≤ oµ thσ Distributo≥ oµ thσ 1990≤ ì
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Giveε thσ statσ oµ thσ wholesalσ distributioε industr∙ today¼ thσ ì
wholesaler-distributo≥ basicall∙ ha≤ fivσ ke∙ goal≤ fo≥ thσ 1990s« Thi≤ ì
i≤ baseΣ oε thσ experiencσ wσ havσ haΣ witΦ ou≥ customer≤ anΣ workinτ ì
with wholesaler-distributors. They are:
∩ Profitability--T∩ remaiε profitablσ iε aε industr∙ oµ shrinkinτ ì
áámargin≤ ì
∩ IncreaseΣ marketshare--Gro≈ existinτ busines≤ t∩ obtaiε morσ ì
áásharσ oµ thσ marke⌠ ì
∩ SatisfieΣ customers--Custome≥ satisfactioε i≤ ke∙ ì
ááwitΦ thσ focu≤ oε qualit∙ anΣ servicσ iε thi≤ competitivσ environmen⌠ ì
áá(value-addeΣ services¼ next-da∙ delivery)« ì
∩ Maximuφ productivit∙ oµ resources--WitΦ ß ke∙ focu≤ iε wholesalσ ì
áádistributioε oε qualit∙ anΣ thσ qualit∙ proces≤ beinτ implementeΣ iε ì
áásevera∞ companiesº productivit∙ oµ al∞ resource≤ i≤ vita∞ fo≥ survival« ì
o Attraction/Retention of quality people--To maximize productivity it is
ááextremely important to have good dedicated employees on board in a
áátight economy.
NOTE║ Kee≡ iε minΣ tha⌠ thσ wholesaler-distributo≥ know≤ hi≤ busines≤ ì
well« Interjec⌠ comment≤ whereve≥ possiblσ tha⌠ demonstrate≤ this« A⌠ ì
thσ samσ time¼ i⌠ i≤ importan⌠ fo≥ H╨ t∩ conve∙ tha⌠ wσ understanΣ thσ ì
distributor'≤ environment¼ anΣ ho≈ informatioε technolog∙ caε givσ ì
distributor≤ ß competitivσ edge« Thσ custome≥ ma∙ havσ thσ samσ goal≤ ì
and CSFs outlined in this presentation.
Ke∙ CSF≤ oµ thσ Distributo≥ oµ thσ 1990≤ ì
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Iε orde≥ t∩ bσ successfu∞ iε sucΦ ß competitivσ environmen⌠ anΣ t∩ mee⌠ ì
thei≥ goals¼ wholesaler-distributor≤ mus⌠ continuσ t∩ streamlinσ anΣ ì
modernizσ thei≥ operations¼ focusinτ oε thosσ activitie≤ tha⌠ wil∞ ì
reducσ thei≥ costs¼ improvσ productivity¼ anΣ increasσ thσ leve∞ oµ ì
custome≥ service« Qualit∙ custome≥ servicσ i≤ essentia∞ witΦ thσ focu≤ ì
beinτ marke⌠ driveε rathe≥ thaε operational« Thi≤ i≤ reinforceΣ througΦ ì
thσ themσ a⌠ mos⌠ industr∙ associatioε conference≤ sucΦ a≤ "custome≥ ì
driven service and quality."
Wholesaler-distributor≤ mus⌠ havσ acces≤ t∩ informatioε tha⌠ wil∞ enablσ ì
theφ t∩ accuratel∙ tracδ anΣ managσ thei≥ inventor∙ anΣ makσ bette≥ ì
managemen⌠ decisions« Reducinτ customersº orde≥ cycle≤ anΣ increasinτ ì
orde≥ fil∞ rate≤ wil∞ bσ priorities« Finally¼ investmen⌠ iε employeσ ì
training¼ anΣ consistenc∙ oµ procedure≤ anΣ informatioε flow≤ amonτ ì
departments and branches is a key ingredient for survival.
Thi≤ outline≤ thσ thing≤ tha⌠ mus⌠ g∩ righ⌠ iε aε effor⌠ fo≥ thσ ì
wholesaler-distributo≥ t∩ differentiatσ froφ thσ competitioε anΣ bσ ì
successful in the 1990s.
NOTE║ Positioε i⌠ s∩ i⌠ help≤ u≤ establisΦ credibility¼ bu⌠ don'⌠ ì
pretend to know more about the customers' business than they do.
Thσ Challengσ fo≥ thσ Distributo≥ oµ thσ 1990≤ ì
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Wσ talkeΣ abou⌠ thσ ke∙ goal≤ anΣ critica∞ succes≤ factor≤ oµ thσ ì
wholesaler-distributor« Therefore¼ thσ wholesaler-distributor'≤ ì
challengσ is║ t∩ maximizσ custome≥ service¼ managσ costs¼ anΣ remaiε ì
competitive in an industry of slow growth and declining margins.
Wholesalσ Distribution/Ke∙ Technolog∙ Trend≤ iε thσ 1990≤ ì
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Fo≥ thσ wholesaler-distributo≥ t∩ mee⌠ tha⌠ challenge¼ wσ neeΣ t∩ looδ ì
a⌠ somσ ke∙ technolog∙ trends« Wσ pointeΣ ou⌠ thσ ke∙ industr∙ trend≤ ì
whicΦ affec⌠ thσ wholesaler'≤ busines≤ activities« Technolog∙ trend≤ ì
arσ driveε froφ ke∙ busines≤ trends« Aε increaseΣ investmen⌠ iε ì
technolog∙ i≤ expecteΣ t∩ bσ thσ ke∙ weapoε t∩ figh⌠ gros≤ margiε ì
pressure≤ anΣ t∩ solidif∙ thσ wholesaler-distributor'≤ positioε iε thσ ì
pipeline« A≤ ß result¼ automatioε expenditure≤ arσ expecteΣ t∩ increasσ ì
t∩ 1.╡ percen⌠ oµ sales¼ ß 5░ percen⌠ increasσ ove≥ curren⌠ levels« Duσ ì
t∩ thσ significan⌠ trend≤ outlined¼ sales/marketinτ anΣ logistic≤ ì
application≤ wil∞ receivσ aε increaseΣ sharσ oµ thσ ED╨ budge⌠ alonτ ì
witΦ expenditure≤ fo≥ PCs¼ communications¼ ba≥ codσ equipment¼ anΣ EDI« ì
Sincσ custome≥ servicσ i≤ ß ke∙ differentiatinτ factor¼ computer≤ wil∞ ì
pla∙ ß critica∞ rolσ iε helpinτ wholesaler-distributor≤ delive≥ morσ ì
value-addeΣ services¼ sucΦ a≤ monitorinτ custome≥ inventor∙ levels¼ ì
handlinτ order≤ witΦ greate≥ speeΣ anΣ efficiency¼ anΣ frequenc∙ oµ ì
Informatioε Systems/Benefit≤ DesireΣ b∙ Wholesaler≤ ì
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We'vσ lookeΣ a⌠ somσ oµ thσ majo≥ technolog∙ trend≤ iε wholesale¼ no≈ wσ ì
arσ goinτ t∩ talδ abou⌠ somσ oµ thσ majo≥ benefit≤ desireΣ througΦ ì
informatioε technolog∙ b∙ wholesaler-distributor≤ accordinτ t∩ ß marke⌠ ì
researcΦ surve∙ oµ distributor≤ acros≤ severa∞ marke⌠ segment≤ donσ b∙ ì
Ernst & Young for HP.
Erns⌠ ª Younτ askeΣ executives¼ operation≤ managers¼ anΣ MI╙ manager≤ t∩ ì
statσ thσ benefit≤ the∙ expec⌠ froφ thei≥ investmen⌠ iε informatioε ì
systems« Thσ result≤ oµ thσ to≡ benefit≤ arσ listeΣ here« Again¼ thesσ ì
benefit≤ werσ consisten⌠ acros≤ severa∞ marke⌠ segments¼ whethe≥ i⌠ i≤ ì
an office products wholesaler or a food distributor.
Ke∙ Obstacle≤ t∩ Maximizσ Systeφ Productivit∙ ì
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No≈ tha⌠ we'vσ covereΣ thσ benefits¼ i⌠ i≤ importan⌠ t∩ understanΣ wha⌠ ì
is getting in the way of maximizing system productivity.
Erns⌠ ª Younτ als∩ askeΣ iε thei≥ survey¼ "Wha⌠ arσ thσ ke∙ obstacle≤ t∩ ì
maximizinτ systeφ productivit∙ yo⌡ facσ today?ó Onσ oµ thσ ke∙ issue≤ ì
i≤ "thσ inabilit∙ t∩ managσ information.ó Ho≈ man∙ time≤ havσ yo⌡ ì
wondered¼ iµ therσ i≤ s∩ mucΦ gooΣ informatioε iε m∙ system¼ ho≈ d∩ ╔ ì
usσ i⌠ t∩ enhancσ decisioε makinτ iε ß timel∙ fashioε withou⌠ siftinτ ì
througΦ page≤ anΣ page≤ oµ compute≥ print-outs┐ Iε othe≥ words¼ ho≈ caε ì
m∙ user≤ ge⌠ a⌠ pertinen⌠ information¼ quickl∙ anΣ efficientl∙ t∩ makσ ì
decisions┐ Also¼ ho≈ caε the∙ looδ a⌠ datß iε ß variet∙ oµ way≤ withou⌠ ì
waitinτ ß weeδ fo≥ ß repor⌠ t∩ bσ written┐ Personne∞ issue≤ arσ als∩ ì
significant« Well-traineΣ employee≤ oε ß compute≥ systeφ arσ essentia∞ ì
to the success of obtaining timely and accurate information.
Reason≤ Wholesaler≤ Implemen⌠ Technolog∙ ì
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We'vσ examineΣ thσ ke∙ technolog∙ benefits¼ obstacles¼ anΣ technolog∙ ì
trend≤ oµ systeφ productivity« No≈ let'≤ looδ a⌠ thσ reason≤ a≤ t∩ wh∙ ì
technolog∙ i≤ implemented« Accordinτ t∩ Arthu≥ Andersen'≤ finding≤ iε ì
"Thσ Technolog∙ Mazeó 1991¼ panelist≤ werσ askeΣ wh∙ ì
wholesaler-distributor≤ implemen⌠ technology╗ thσ response≤ arσ ì
summarizeΣ iε thi≤ chart« Oµ thσ fou≥ categorie≤ listed¼ "improvσ ì
productivityó wa≤ thσ mos⌠ commoε reasoε fo≥ implementinτ ne≈ ì
technologies« Thi≤ resul⌠ i≤ somewha⌠ predictablσ becausσ oµ thσ fou≥ ì
categories¼ productivit∙ gain≤ arσ thσ easies⌠ benefit≤ t∩ quantif∙ iε ß ì
cost/benefi⌠ analysis« Thσ effec⌠ oµ increaseΣ sale≤ woulΣ seeφ eas∙ t∩ ì
quantify¼ bu⌠ thσ amoun⌠ oµ increaseΣ sale≤ attributablσ t∩ ß ne≈ ì
technolog∙ caε bσ mucΦ harde≥ t∩ estimate« Thi≤ i≤ certainl∙ somethinτ ì
we can see over time.
Outsidσ Pressurσ t∩ Implemen⌠ Technolog∙ ì
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Havinτ revieweΣ thσ ke∙ reason≤ fo≥ implementinτ technology¼ it'≤ ì
equall∙ importan⌠ t∩ addres≤ thσ outsidσ pressure≤ ì
wholesaler-distributor≤ facσ t∩ implemen⌠ it« Accordinτ t∩ thσ samσ ì
study¼ panelist≤ indicateΣ tha⌠ amonτ wholesaler-distributor'≤ ì
customers¼ suppliers¼ o≥ competitors¼ clearl∙ thσ customer≤ arσ puttinτ ì
thσ mos⌠ pressurσ oε theφ t∩ implemen⌠ technologies¼ a≤ showε iε thi≤ ì
chart« Aε examplσ oµ thi≤ coulΣ bσ ED╔ anΣ bar-codinτ wherσ customer≤ ì
a≤ wel∞ a≤ supplier≤ havσ pu⌠ thσ pressurσ oε thσ wholesale≥ t∩ ì
implement these technologies to streamline business in the pipeline.
Barrier≤ t∩ Implementinτ Ne≈ Technologie≤ ì
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Accordinτ t∩ Arthu≥ Andersen¼ "Thσ Technolog∙ Maze,ó 1991¼ ì
wholesaler-distributor≤ arσ lagginτ behinΣ iε implementinτ technology« ì
Additionally¼ iε thσ samσ study¼ thσ panelist≤ werσ askeΣ t∩ namσ thσ ì
mos⌠ significan⌠ barrier≤ t∩ adoptinτ ne≈ technology« Onσ migh⌠ expec⌠ ì
tha⌠ cos⌠ woulΣ bσ thσ mos⌠ prohibitivσ factor« Whilσ cos⌠ wa≤ vieweΣ ì
a≤ ß significan⌠ barrier¼ especiall∙ t∩ thσ smalle≥ distributor¼ thσ ì
mos⌠ significan⌠ roadblocδ t∩ ne≈ technolog∙ wa≤ resistancσ t∩ change« ì
Iε fact¼ fivσ oµ thσ to≡ seveε barrier≤ werσ people-related« Panelist≤ ì
als∩ indicatσ tha⌠ iε thσ nex⌠ fivσ years¼ thei≥ resistancσ t∩ changσ ì
wil∞ decreasσ dramatically¼ signalinτ tha⌠ significan⌠ changσ stil∞ lie≤ ì
ahead« Iε summary¼ thσ industr∙ a≤ ß wholσ recognize≤ tha⌠ thσ ì
marketplacσ i≤ graduall∙ forcinτ i⌠ t∩ adop⌠ ß technolog∙ anΣ becomσ ì
morσ productive« Successfu∞ wholesaler-distributor≤ wil∞ usσ technolog∙ ì
a≤ ß weapoε t∩ strikσ agains⌠ competitor≤ anΣ sustaiε ß competitivσ ì
Wholesalσ Distibution/Evolutioε oµ thσ Industr∙ ì
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S∩ no≈ tha⌠ wσ understanΣ thσ importancσ oµ technolog∙ iε wholesale¼ ì
let'≤ looδ a⌠ thσ evolutioε oµ thσ industr∙ anΣ technolog∙ used« A≤ wσ ì
caε see¼ thσ mos⌠ dramatiπ shif⌠ tooδ placσ iε thσ 1980≤ anΣ thσ 1990s« ì
Iε lookinτ a⌠ thσ historica∞ mode∞ oµ computinτ iε wholesalσ ì
distributioε i⌠ i≤ importan⌠ t∩ understanΣ thσ evolutioε oµ thσ industr∙ ì
as a whole. (Highlight main areas listed).
Thi≤ i≤ importan⌠ iε term≤ oµ technolog∙ becausσ thσ ì
wholesaler-distributorsº organizationa∞ change≤ affec⌠ thei≥ busines≤ ì
activities and how technology is used.
Investment≤ iε Computinτ Technolog∙ ì
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WitΦ thσ evolutioε iε thσ wholesalσ distributioε industr∙ therσ ha≤ als∩ ì
beeε aε evolutioε iε computing« Simpl∙ put¼ wσ havσ gonσ froφ man∙ ì
user≤ accessinτ onσ compute≥ systeφ t∩ singlσ user≤ havinτ acces≤ t∩ ì
many computers.
Yo⌡ ma∙ remembe≥ tha⌠ iε thσ 1960s¼ centralizeΣ mainframσ anΣ ì
batch-processinτ wa≤ thσ typica∞ compute≥ environment--aε expensive¼ ì
not very flexible environment.
Iε thσ 1970s¼ distributeΣ datß processinτ gavσ user≤ morσ flexibilit∙ ì
and accessibility, but application development was still an issue.
Thσ 1980≤ begaε witΦ thσ persona∞ compute≥ revolution--iε man∙ cases¼ ì
worker≤ haΣ t∩ "sneakó ß P├ int∩ thσ workplacσ t∩ perforφ stand-alonσ ì
worδ sucΦ a≤ spreadshee⌠ applications« A≤ thσ powe≥ oµ thσ P├ gre≈ anΣ ì
specializeΣ application≤ werσ developed¼ deskto≡ computinτ exploded« ì
Thσ 1980≤ endeΣ witΦ powerfu∞ PC≤ anΣ workstation≤ iε loca∞ areß ì
network≤ communicatinτ witΦ somσ large≥ systems« Thσ result≤ arσ ì
"islands of automation."
Today¼ iε thσ 1990≤ thσ computinτ mode∞ ha≤ evolveΣ t∩ cooperativσ ì
computing« Beforσ wσ definσ cooperativσ computinτ anΣ wha⌠ i⌠ mean≤ t∩ ì
you¼ i⌠ i≤ importan⌠ t∩ looδ a⌠ thσ organizationa∞ structurσ change≤ oµ ì
thσ wholesaler-distributo≥ froφ thσ 1980≤ t∩ thσ 1990s« Theε wσ caε ì
discus≤ ho≈ thσ cooperativσ computinτ mode∞ fit≤ withiε tha⌠ framework« ì
Thσ Wholesaler-Distributo≥ oµ thσ 1980≤ ì
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ThrougΦ thσ 1980s¼ wholesaler-distributor≤ typicall∙ organizeΣ thei≥ ì
businesse≤ iε ß "compartmentalizeΣ structure"--activitie≤ o≥ function≤ ì
werσ segregateΣ amonτ natura∞ departments¼ sucΦ a≤ sale≤ anΣ marketing¼ ì
purchasing¼ warehousing¼ o≥ transportatioε (refe≥ t∩ chart)« Typically¼ ì
managemen⌠ anΣ administratioε werσ brokeε dowε int∩ smalle≥ group≤ oµ ì
activitie≤ sucΦ a≤ planning¼ reporting¼ anΣ casΦ management« Thesσ ì
activitie≤ coulΣ theε bσ manageΣ individuall∙ fo≥ bette≥ contro∞ ove≥ ì
eacΦ function« However¼ thσ interna∞ segregatioε causeΣ b∙ thσ ì
departmentalizeΣ structurσ ofteε put≤ differen⌠ activitie≤ a⌠ odd≤ witΦ ì
each other.
Ove≥ thσ las⌠ severa∞ years¼ a≤ thσ type≤ oµ service≤ performeΣ b∙ ì
wholesaler-distributor≤ havσ becomσ morσ complex¼ thσ succes≤ oµ eacΦ ì
functioε ha≤ becomσ morσ interrelated« Severa∞ companie≤ investeΣ iε ì
eithe≥ onσ centralizeΣ computinτ system¼ o≥ severa∞ computer≤ eithe≥ b∙ ì
departmen⌠ o≥ branch« Iε thσ latte≥ example¼ man∙ system≤ werσ no⌠ ì
integrateΣ anΣ thσ autonomou≤ naturσ oµ thσ situatioε len⌠ itselµ t∩ ì
inconsistency in procedures and operations across the company.
Thσ Wholesaler-Distributo≥ oµ thσ 1990≤ ì
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Let'≤ takσ ß looδ a⌠ thσ organizatioε oµ thσ distributo≥ oµ thσ 1990s« ì
A≤ yo⌡ caε seσ completσ integratioε oµ departmenta∞ function≤ anΣ ì
informatioε withiε thσ compan∙ ha≤ takeε place« Iε thσ 1990s¼ ì
wholesaler≤ vie≈ themselve≤ a≤ ß ke∙ membe≥ oµ thσ distributioε ì
pipeline« A≤ mos⌠ market≤ havσ matured¼ thσ inheren⌠ competitivσ ì
pressure≤ no≈ placσ ß premiuφ oε maximizinτ thσ efficienc∙ oµ thσ ì
channel« Thσ wholesaler-distributor'≤ functioε wil∞ bσ t∩ managσ thσ ì
suppl∙ anΣ demanΣ force≤ withiε thσ channe∞ t∩ providσ seamles≤ service« ì
A≤ ß result¼ thσ wholesaler-distributor'≤ organizatioε shoulΣ minimizσ ì
barrier≤ withiε it≤ organizatioε anΣ witΦ channe∞ member≤ tha⌠ inhibi⌠ ß ì
smootΦ flo≈ oµ information« Activitie≤ tha⌠ adΣ valuσ t∩ thσ channel¼ ì
sucΦ a≤ thosσ requireΣ t∩ providσ JI╘ (just-in-time⌐ deliver∙ shoulΣ bσ ì
emphasized« Technology¼ sucΦ a≤ ED╔ orderinτ froφ customer≤ o≥ ì
automateΣ carousel≤ iε thσ warehouse¼ wil∞ hel≡ makσ thσ wholσ proces≤ ì
morσ efficien⌠ iε orde≥ t∩ perforφ thσ activitie≤ t∩ achievσ JIT« Iε ì
othe≥ words¼ technolog∙ caε bσ useΣ t∩ cu⌠ acros≤ thσ olΣ departmenta∞ ì
structurσ t∩ integratσ thesσ activitie≤ acros≤ thσ company« Duσ t∩ thσ ì
trend≤ anΣ thσ environment¼ t∩ bσ competitive¼ ß wholesaler-distributo≥ ì
ha≤ t∩ implemen⌠ technolog∙ tha⌠ provide≤ seamles≤ integration« Wσ wil∞ ì
talδ abou⌠ ho≈ HP'≤ computinτ strateg∙ caε addres≤ thesσ issues¼ bu⌠ ì
firs⌠ let'≤ looδ furthe≥ a⌠ thσ historica∞ computinτ model≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ arσ ì
familiar with and the evolution to the 1990s model.
Traditiona∞ CentralizeΣ Computinτ iε Wholesalσ ì
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Thσ traditiona∞ computinτ strateg∙ fi⌠ thσ compartmentalizeΣ structurσ ì
oµ ß wholesale≥ quitσ well¼ anΣ stil∞ doe≤ iε man∙ cases« Thσ ì
centralizeΣ approacΦ consist≤ oµ ß host/termina∞ computinτ architecture« ì
Therσ arσ botΦ benefit≤ anΣ limitation≤ t∩ thi≤ architecture« Iε thi≤ ì
environment all of the company's data is consolidated on one system.
∩ Limitations║ baΣ responsσ time¼ loaΣ oµ CP╒ ì
∩ Benefits║ informatioε ì
ááconsolidated on one system
Distributed Computing in Wholesale
Let'≤ takσ ß looδ a⌠ thσ nex⌠ computinτ architecture¼ distributeΣ ì
computing« Iε thi≤ examplσ H╤ anΣ branche≤ havσ thei≥ owε CPU≤ onsitσ ì
witΦ onlinσ user≤ oε eacΦ system« Iε somσ cases¼ user≤ caε acces≤ othe≥ ì
system≤ througΦ dial-u≡ o≥ leaseΣ lines« Thσ H╤ compute≥ i≤ updateΣ ì
nightl∙ witΦ batcΦ informatioε froφ brancΦ systems« Again¼ therσ arσ ì
benefit≤ anΣ limitation≤ t∩ thi≤ computinτ architecturσ a≤ well« ì
DistributeΣ processinτ coulΣ bσ compute≥ system≤ iε differen⌠ ì
department≤ oµ thσ samσ compan∙ o≥ differen⌠ compute≥ system≤ iε ì
different branches geographically dispersed within the same company.
Benefit≤ oµ decentralizatioε include║ Off-loaΣ host¼ eacΦ departmen⌠ o≥ ì
brancΦ ha≤ it≤ owε processinτ powe≥ t∩ ruε it≤ business¼ anΣ througΦ ì
networkinτ anΣ batcΦ update≤ thi≤ caε ac⌠ a≤ onσ largσ centralizeΣ ì
compute≥ system« Informatioε i≤ close≥ t∩ thσ user¼ anΣ datß caε bσ ì
sent back and forth.
Desktop Computing in Wholesale
Iε thσ latte≥ par⌠ oµ thσ 1980s¼ deskto≡ computinτ becamσ popular« Thσ ì
benefit≤ oµ thσ P├ anΣ persona∞ deskto≡ computinτ werσ realizeΣ anΣ ì
rapidl∙ implemented« A⌠ thi≤ point¼ user≤ begaε t∩ realizσ thσ benefit≤ ì
oµ botΦ deskto≡ anΣ host/terminal-baseΣ systems« I⌠ i≤ importan⌠ t∩ ì
understanΣ thi≤ evolutioε iε computinτ beforσ wσ talδ abou⌠ HP'≤ ì
cooperativσ computinτ model« Becausσ oµ usersº wish-lis⌠ fo≥ ß bette≥ ì
solutioε thaε tha⌠ provideΣ b∙ jus⌠ deskto≡ computer≤ o≥ centralizeΣ ì
systems¼ academia¼ industry¼ anΣ user≤ developeΣ wha⌠ i≤ calleΣ thσ ì
"client/server" model.
NOTE║ Wσ fee∞ tha⌠ thi≤ mode∞ allow≤ wholesaler-distributor≤ t∩ gaiε ß ì
competitivσ advantagσ rapidly¼ giveε thσ environment« I⌠ i≤ no⌠ t∩ ì
necessaril∙ t∩ replacσ existinτ systems¼ bu⌠ rathe≥ t∩ enhance/adΣ ì
functionality to an existing architecture.
Thσ Evolutioε t∩ Client/Serve≥ Computinτ ì
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A≤ yo⌡ caε seσ b∙ thi≤ slide¼ thi≤ ha≤ beeε ß gradua∞ bu⌠ natura∞ ì
evolutioε oµ computinτ technology« Thσ evolutioε i≤ occurrinτ iε ì
responsσ t∩ ne≈ technologie≤ anΣ change≤ iε thσ capabilitie≤ oµ existinτ ì
systems« (Refe≥ t∩ thσ slidσ fo≥ explanatioε oµ model.⌐ Ne≈ ì
development≤ iε networking¼ morσ powerfu∞ deskto≡ devices¼ graphica∞ ì
use≥ interface≤ (GUIs)¼ anΣ newl∙ developeΣ client/serve≥ application≤ ì
havσ madσ client/serve≥ computinτ possible« Wσ wil∞ talδ morσ abou⌠ ì
client/server computing later.
Cooperativσ Computinτ ThrougΦ Opeε System≤ ì
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T∩ takσ advantagσ oµ thi≤ ne≈ computinτ architecture¼ HP'≤ strateg∙ fo≥ ì
computinτ iε thσ 1990≤ i≤ wha⌠ wσ cal∞ cooperativσ computing« Therσ arσ ì
tw∩ part≤ t∩ thσ strategy║ cooperativσ computinτ anΣ opeε systems« Ou≥ ì
objective is to give customers the benefits of cooperative computing:
∩ Eas∙ acces≤ t∩ informatioε ∩ Networkwidσ contro∞ ∩ Integratioε oµ ì
Thσ reasoε wσ chosσ opeε system≤ a≤ thσ foundatioε oµ ou≥ strateg∙ i≤ ì
simple« Thσ realit∙ i≤ tha⌠ mos⌠ organization≤ alread∙ havσ ß ì
multivendo≥ environmen⌠ anΣ opeε system≤ arσ thσ onl∙ wa∙ t∩ integratσ ì
those multiple vendors to achieve cooperative computing.
First, let's take a look at what open systems means.
Opeε System≤ fo≥ Wholesalσ Distributioε ì
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Herσ wσ seσ thσ definitioε oµ opeε systems¼ thσ component≤ oµ opeε ì
systems, and finally, the benefits.
Portability¼ interoperability¼ scalabilit∙ anΣ availabilit∙ mean≤ ì
product≤ tha⌠ caε bσ useΣ oε o≥ witΦ multivendo≥ systems« Thi≤ mean≤ ì
product≤ tha⌠ caε communicatσ anΣ interac⌠ witΦ othe≥ systems¼ product≤ ì
tha⌠ caε bσ sizeΣ t∩ fi⌠ specifiπ requirement≤ anΣ product≤ tha⌠ arσ ì
easily accessible.
Thσ component≤ oµ opeε system≤ arσ morσ thaε operatinτ systems« The∙ ì
includσ databases¼ languages¼ networks¼ anΣ hardware« The∙ arσ al∞ ì
based on industry standards.
Thσ benefit≤ arσ fairl∙ obviou≤ anΣ the∙ ma≡ directl∙ t∩ thσ issue≤ anΣ ì
obstacle≤ wσ discusseΣ earlier« Thσ mos⌠ immediatσ anΣ clearl∙ thσ mos⌠ ì
importan⌠ t∩ wholesaler-distributor≤ arσ cos⌠ reductioε anΣ investmen⌠ ì
Open Systems Standards
Thσ ke∙ messagσ iε thi≤ graphiπ i≤ tha⌠ therσ arσ man∙ component≤ t∩ ì
opeε systems¼ therσ arσ man∙ standards« Wha⌠ i≤ importan⌠ t∩ you¼ a≤ ß ì
user¼ i≤ tha⌠ you≥ vendor≤ conforφ t∩ standard≤ s∩ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε focu≤ oε ì
the applications, whether it's payroll, order entry, or financials.
Standard≤ drivσ anΣ eveε definσ thσ "openessó oµ opeε system≤ anΣ arσ ì
critical to realizing the goal of implementing cooperative computing.
Now¼ let'≤ looδ a⌠ thσ cooperativσ computinτ environmen⌠ iε whicΦ wσ ì
will further define client/server computing.
Thσ Cooperativσ Computinτ Environmen⌠ ì
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Beforσ wσ talδ abou⌠ thσ key≤ t∩ implementinτ cooperativσ computing¼ ì
let'≤ takσ a⌠ looδ a⌠ thσ environment« Froφ ß user'≤ perspective¼ thσ ì
cooperative computing environment enhances real-time decision making.
Wholesalσ Distribution/Opeε Clien⌠ Serve≥ Computinτ ì
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Iµ thσ terφ client/serve≥ i≤ ne≈ t∩ yo⌡ o≥ perhap≤ ha≤ no⌠ beeε clearl∙ ì
defined¼ i⌠ mean≤ maintaininτ deskto≡ computinτ a≤ yo⌡ currentl∙ kno≈ i⌠ ì
alonτ witΦ transparen⌠ acces≤ t∩ file≤ anΣ computσ powe≥ froφ ß variet∙ ì
oµ othe≥ computer≤ iε ß distributeΣ networkeΣ system« I⌠ use≤ ì
application≤ designeΣ t∩ takσ advantagσ oµ thσ combineΣ processinτ powe≥ ì
oµ you≥ deskto≡ compute≥ anΣ othe≥ computer≤ iε ß networkeΣ system« I⌠ ì
combine≤ thσ persona∞ computinτ capabilitie≤ oµ PC≤ o≥ UNI╪ workstation≤ ì
witΦ thσ filσ anΣ processinτ powe≥ oµ larger¼ morσ capablσ computer≤ ì
calleΣ servers« T∩ pu⌠ i⌠ simply¼ client/serve≥ computinτ combine≤ thσ ì
strength≤ oµ individua∞ deskto≡ computinτ witΦ thσ establisheΣ ì
capabilitie≤ oµ large≥ centralizeΣ system« Iε othe≥ words¼ i⌠ take≤ ì
advantagσ oµ thσ dorman⌠ powe≥ residinτ oε mos⌠ desktops« Thσ movσ froφ ì
centralizeΣ t∩ truσ distributeΣ processinτ put≤ compute≥ resource≤ ì
close≥ t∩ thσ informatioε sourcσ anΣ awa∙ froφ thσ centralizeΣ approach« ì
Iε cooperativσ computinτ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ matte≥ wha⌠ thσ compute≥ topolog∙ ì
is¼ rathe≥ tha⌠ al∞ system≤ worδ togethe≥ seamlessl∙ iε onσ integrateΣ ì
whole« Clien⌠ serve≥ i≤ ß piecσ oµ cooperativσ computing¼ a≤ i≤ ì
distributeΣ processinτ o≥ centralizeΣ computing« H╨ caε offe≥ solution≤ ì
t∩ you≥ busines≤ computinτ needs« Client/serve≥ technolog∙ allow≤ yo⌡ ì
t∩ implemen⌠ ne≈ system≤ t∩ aε existinτ compute≥ architecturσ anΣ t∩ adΣ ì
functionality« Client/serve≥ technolg∙ reduce≤ thσ timσ necessar∙ t∩ ì
givσ yo⌡ ß competitivσ advantagσ tha⌠ n∩ onσ elsσ ha≤ witΦ ß strategiπ ì
business application.
Fo≥ instance¼ ß strategiπ applicatioε iε wholesalσ distributioε ma∙ bσ ß ì
custome≥ informatioε system« Giveε thσ industr∙ environment¼ ì
distributor≤ neeΣ t∩ ge⌠ close≥ t∩ thei≥ customer≤ anΣ suppliers« The∙ ì
neeΣ informatioε abou⌠ thei≥ customer≤ anΣ wha⌠ thei≥ customer≤ arσ ì
doinτ t∩ bσ effective« Addinτ valuσ t∩ servicσ "customer-driveε ì
solutionsó i≤ key« Distributor≤ neeΣ t∩ makσ i⌠ easie≥ fo≥ thei≥ ì
customer≤ anΣ supplier≤ t∩ d∩ busines≤ witΦ them« Informatioε need≤ t∩ ì
bσ trackeΣ througΦ thσ pipelinσ froφ supplie≥ t∩ t∩ distributo≥ t∩ ì
customer« Client/serve≥ technolog∙ make≤ i⌠ easie≥ t∩ accommodatσ thi≤ ì
and to make changes as business needs change.
Furthermore¼ b∙ tyinτ thσ customer/supplie≥ chaiε int∩ you≥ computinτ ì
architecture¼ yo⌡ givσ theφ acces≤ t∩ valuablσ informatioε t∩ enhancσ ì
thσ valuσ oµ thσ systeφ fo≥ thσ wholσ chain« ┴ strategiπ applicatioε ì
involve≤ takinτ differen⌠ type≤ oµ informatioε froφ insidσ anΣ outsidσ ì
thσ organizatioε anΣ processinτ i⌠ iε ß forφ tha⌠ i≤ readil∙ accessiblσ ì
t∩ thσ righ⌠ people« Thi≤ seamles≤ integratioε caε bσ achieveΣ witΦ ì
client/server computing.
T∩ bσ competitivσ anΣ gaiε ß strategiπ advantage¼ yo⌡ neeΣ aε ì
architecturσ tha⌠ wil∞ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ easil∙ adΣ anΣ integratσ ne≈ system≤ ì
to an existing environment.
Ke∙ benefit║ Provide≤ productivit∙ gain≤ t∩ wholesaler-distributor≤ b∙ ì
combininτ responsivσ loca∞ processinτ witΦ efficien⌠ centralizeΣ datß ì
coordination« Thσ configuratioε enhance≤ systeφ performancσ througΦ thσ ì
separation of front-end (client) and back-end (server) processes.
Cooperativσ Computinτ Environmen⌠ iε Wholesalσ fo≥ thσ 1990≤ ì
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Thi≤ show≤ ß typica∞ examplσ oµ ß cooperativσ computinτ iε ß multivendo≥ ì
environment« Iε wholesale¼ i⌠ i≤ simpl∙ beinτ ablσ t∩ looδ int∩ thσ ì
wholσ compute≥ networδ througΦ onσ window« Beinτ tha⌠ acquisitioε anΣ ì
consolidatioε arσ ke∙ trend≤ iε wholesale¼ thi≤ computinτ strateg∙ make≤ ì
sensσ fo≥ thσ 1990S« T∩ bσ competitivσ anΣ gaiε ß strategiπ advantage¼ ì
yo⌡ neeΣ aε architecturσ tha⌠ wil∞ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ easil∙ adΣ anΣ integratσ ì
new systems to an existing environment.
Thσ poin⌠ i≤ tha⌠ cooperativσ computinτ take≤ advantagσ oµ thσ computinτ ì
topolog∙ t∩ bes⌠ fi⌠ you≥ needs¼ whethe≥ centralized¼ o≥ decentralized« ì
Thσ Key≤ t∩ Implementinτ Cooperativσ Computinτ iε thσ 1990≤ ì
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No≈ tha⌠ yo⌡ kno≈ ß littlσ bi⌠ morσ abou⌠ cooperativσ computing¼ we'rσ ì
no≈ goinτ t∩ looδ a⌠ thσ threσ ke∙ component≤ oµ implementinτ ì
cooperative computing.
What'≤ RequireΣ fo≥ ß Client/Serve≥ Solution┐ ì
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First, let's look at what's required for a client/server solution.
HP's Open Systems Expertise
Wσ kno≈ tha⌠ opeε system≤ i≤ ß requireΣ componen⌠ oµ cooperativσ ì
computing; let's look at HP's background in open systems.
In terms of technology, HP's first commercial computer system,
thσ H╨ 300░ wa≤ initiall∙ ì
releaseΣ almos⌠ 2░ year≤ ago« Sincσ then¼ H╨ ha≤ investeΣ significan⌠ ì
resource≤ iε providinτ industry-leadinτ functionalit∙ anΣ performancσ iε ì
the OLTP marketplace.
Ou≥ firs⌠ UNI╪ systeφ wa≤ releaseΣ 1░ year≤ ago¼ wel∞ aheaΣ oµ majo≥ ì
competitors. HP made a commitment long before our competition.
Ou≥ firs⌠ reduced-instruction-se⌠ compute≥ systeφ wa≤ releaseΣ morσ thaε ì
five years ago--well ahead of our major competition.
H╨ 900░ Broades⌠ System≤ Offerinτ iε thσ Industr∙ ì
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Ou≥ produc⌠ linσ toda∙ consist≤ oµ thσ broades⌠ famil∙ oµ compute≥ ì
system≤ iε thσ industr∙ froφ PC≤ anΣ X-terminal≤ t∩ workstation≤ anΣ ì
servers« H╨ offer≤ ß ful∞ linσ oµ scalable¼ standards-complian⌠ ì
products, specifically tuned for the commercial marketplace.
To≡ Midrangσ UNI╪ Systeφ Manufacture≥ ì
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Iε term≤ oµ marke⌠ share¼ H╨ i≤ thσ worldwidσ leade≥ iε midrangσ UNI╪ ì
HP 3000 Family
Thσ H╨ 300░ famil∙ oµ multiuse≥ compute≥ system≤ provide≤ ß broaΣ rangσ ì
oµ compatiblσ system≤ baseΣ oε HP'≤ PA-RIS├ architecture« Thσ H╨ 300░ ì
provide≤ superio≥ distributeΣ OLT╨ performancσ witΦ industry-leadinτ ì
cost of ownership and ease of use.
Thσ smootΦ upwarΣ growtΦ patΦ oµ thσ H╨ 300░ assure≤ yo⌡ oµ low-cos⌠ ì
upgrades which means your investment in technology is protected.
Thσ H╨ 300░ als∩ provide≤ yo⌡ witΦ opeε system≤ capabilitie≤ sucΦ a≤ ì
suppor⌠ fo≥ ARP┴ service≤ anΣ Novel∞ network≤ fo≥ multivendo≥ ì
networking¼ suppor⌠ fo≥ 4GL≤ anΣ RDBM╙ standard≤ a≤ wel∞ a≤ open¼ ì
client/server development tools.
NOTE║ Emphasizσ thσ specifiπ produc⌠ rangσ anΣ capabilitie≤ oµ interes⌠ ì
to your customer.
H╨ 300░ ¡ UNI╪ anΣ OLT╨ Application≤ ì
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ThrougΦ thσ suppor⌠ oµ POSI╪ oε thσ H╨ 3000¼ H╨ offer≤ thσ functionalit∙ ì
anΣ strength≤ oµ OLT╨ performancσ a≤ wel∞ a≤ thσ application≤ ì
availability of UNIX.
Wσ arσ full∙ committeΣ t∩ suppor⌠ POSIX.▒ anΣ POSIX.▓ anΣ wil∞ full∙ ì
support future standards for POSIX as they evolve.
NOTE: Focus on the benefits of open systems.
Strongest Commitment to Standards
Standard≤ arσ thσ requirement≤ fo≥ opeε system≤ technolog∙ ì
implementation« H╨ provide≤ activσ leadershi≡ iε worldwidσ standard≤ ì
organization≤ witΦ ove≥ 30░ H╨ professionals« Tha⌠ i≤ ß seriou≤ ì
commitment to standards.
Wσ havσ als∩ beeε ver∙ successfu∞ iε drivinτ H╨ produc⌠ innovatioε int∩ ì
industry standards.
Thesσ arσ ß fe≈ oµ thσ H╨ technologie≤ submitteΣ anΣ accepteΣ a≤ ì
standards by internationally recognized standards bodies.
Technology - HP's Leadership
T∩ summarizσ HP'≤ technolog∙ leadership¼ I'Σ likσ t∩ makσ ß fe≈ points« ì
We'vσ talkeΣ abou⌠ HP'≤ commitmen⌠ t∩ standards¼ broaΣ produc⌠ line¼ thσ ì
fac⌠ tha⌠ ou≥ technologie≤ arσ becominτ standards¼ anΣ ou≥ numbe≥ onσ ì
position in the UNIX system markets.
We'rσ als∩ ß leade≥ iε multivendo≥ networking¼ anΣ ou≥ commitmen⌠ t∩ ì
industr∙ standarΣ extend≤ t∩ networkinτ a≤ well--H╨ OpenView¼ licenseΣ ì
by IBM.
BeyonΣ thσ hardwarσ anΣ networkinτ leadership¼ H╨ ha≤ formeΣ alliance≤ ì
witΦ man∙ leadinτ supplier≤ oµ additiona∞ technology« Thesσ arσ somσ oµ ì
thσ companie≤ H╨ ha≤ investeΣ in¼ eithe≥ financiall∙ o≥ througΦ ì
technology investments.
Right Vision, Strategy, Products
It'≤ eas∙ fo≥ H╨ t∩ tel∞ yo⌡ tha⌠ wσ arσ leader≤ iε cooperativσ ì
computinτ technology« But¼ industr∙ analyst≤ agreσ witΦ us¼ anΣ ì
consistentl∙ describσ HP'≤ leadershi≡ positioε iε industr∙ publications« ì
Now¼ I'Σ likσ t∩ talδ abou⌠ thσ seconΣ oµ thσ threσ ke∙ component≤ oµ ì
implementing cooperative computing--applications.
Applications -- HP's Leadership
Iε ß worlΣ oµ standards¼ H╨ i≤ concentratinτ oε providinτ value-addeΣ ì
softwarσ developmen⌠ tha⌠ wil∞ increasσ thσ productivit∙ oµ systeφ ì
managers¼ enΣ user≤ anΣ softwarσ developers« Wσ believσ tha⌠ ì
industry-specifiπ softwarσ i≤ bes⌠ provideΣ b∙ independen⌠ value-addeΣ ì
businesse≤ whicΦ caε specializσ iε application-specifiπ software« So¼ ì
ou≥ objectivσ i≤ t∩ providσ thσ tool≤ t∩ makσ softwarσ developers¼ ì
system managers, and end users more productive.
T∩ tha⌠ end¼ H╨ provide≤ product≤ sucΦ a≤ thσ H╨ OpenVie≈ networδ anΣ ì
system≤ managemen⌠ softwarσ whicΦ enable≤ intelligen⌠ networδ managemen⌠ ì
for the most complex multivendor environment.
Fo≥ enΣ users¼ product≤ sucΦ a≤ H╨ NewWave¼ ß use≥ environmen⌠ designeΣ ì
fo≥ thσ cooperativσ computinτ worlΣ oµ thσ 1990s¼ hel≡ makσ thσ systeφ ì
more intuitive to use.
Fo≥ softwarσ developers¼ H╨ offer≤ product≤ sucΦ a≤ SoftBench¼ ß CAS┼ ì
environmen⌠ tha⌠ integrate≤ softwarσ developmen⌠ tool≤ froφ multiplσ ì
vendors« Wσ als∩ offe≥ datß managemen⌠ software¼ databases¼ ì
reportwriters, and languages.
HP'≤ softwarσ solution≤ fo≥ wholesalσ distributioε arσ extremel∙ broad« ì
ThrougΦ partnership≤ witΦ value-addeΣ busines≤ partners¼ H╨ i≤ ablσ t∩ ì
providσ higΦ qualit∙ solution≤ designeΣ specificall∙ fo≥ thσ fragmenteΣ ì
wholesalσ distributioε market« H╨ currentl∙ ha≤ softwarσ application≤ ì
from more than 200 value-added business partners in wholesale.
H╨ group≤ thesσ industry-specifiπ solution≤ iε threσ majo≥ categories║ ì
o Distribution management
o Order management
o Warehouse management
Application≤ -¡ HP'≤ Leadership/Wholesalσ Distributioε Solution≤ ì
ListeΣ arσ somσ oµ ou≥ leadinτ application≤ b∙ marke⌠ segmen⌠ iε thσ ì
wholesalσ distributioε marke⌠ runninτ oε botΦ ou≥ H╨ 300░ anΣ 900░ ì
busines≤ servers« H╨ ha≤ severa∞ oµ thσ best-in-class¼ top-tie≥ ì
wholesale solutions on board.
H╨ als∩ maintain≤ stronτ relationship≤ witΦ largσ systeφ integrator≤ ì
sucΦ a≤ Anderseε Consultinτ anΣ EDS« Wσ worδ iε cooperatioε witΦ ì
system≤ integrator≤ oε ver∙ large¼ customizeΣ application≤ wheε ou≥ ì
customer≤ prefe≥ aε outsidσ vendo≥ t∩ develop¼ install¼ anΣ eveε managσ ì
the entire implementation.
NOTE: Refer to Quickfinder for solutions.
Application≤ -¡ HP'≤ Leadership/Wholesalσ Distributioε Solutioε ì
Providers (Cont'd)
H╨ RateΣ Numbe≥ Onσ iε VARBUSINES╙ Surve∙ ì
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Onσ oµ thσ reason≤ H╨ ha≤ beeε ablσ t∩ attrac⌠ high-qualit∙ Value-AddeΣ ì
Businesse≤ i≤ ou≥ reputatioε iε thσ industry« Fo≥ ╡ consecutivσ year≤ ì
H╨ ha≤ beeε rateΣ b∙ value-addeΣ businesse≤ wel∞ aheaΣ oµ ou≥ majo≥ ì
competitors in overall performance and satisfaction.
We'vσ talkeΣ abou⌠ HP'≤ technolog∙ anΣ applicatioε leadership« No≈ ì
we'rσ goinτ t∩ talδ abou⌠ thσ third¼ anΣ possibl∙ mos⌠ important¼ ì
component of implementing cooperative computing.
Support -- HP's Leadership
┴ majo≥ challengσ iε thσ worlΣ oµ opeε system≤ anΣ cooperativσ computinτ ì
i≤ t∩ providσ qualit∙ suppor⌠ iε ß multivendo≥ and¼ iε somσ cases¼ ì
multinationa∞ environment« Hewlett-PackarΣ i≤ recognizeΣ a≤ ß ì
worldwide leader in customer support and customer satisfaction.
Suppor⌠ -¡ Custome≥ Satisfactioε ì
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Iε fact¼ fo≥ eigh⌠ consecutivσ year≤ H╨ ha≤ beeε rateΣ numbe≥ onσ iε ì
overall customer satisfaction, by DataPro, an independent research
Thσ number≤ recentl∙ releaseΣ fo≥ 199▒ sho≈ tha⌠ H╨ i≤ agaiε ß leade≥ iε ì
customer satisfaction.
H╨ Multivendo≥ Networδ Suppor⌠ Prograφ ì
***********¬ ì
H╨ provide≤ ß completσ portfoli∩ oµ suppor⌠ services¼ froφ system≤ ì
planninτ anΣ requirement≤ analysis¼ t∩ implementatioε anΣ operation≤ ì
support« Wσ havσ custome≥ traininτ facilitie≤ throughou⌠ thσ worlΣ t∩ ì
help maximize your investment in HP products.
H╨ Rate≤ Numbe≥ Onσ iε Suppor⌠ -¡ Worldwidσ ì
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Iε fact¼ HP'≤ suppor⌠ reputatioε goe≤ beyonΣ thσ U.S« Wσ havσ beeε ì
rated number one throughout the world by various international industry.
Cooperativσ Computinτ Leadershi≡ ì
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I'd like to summarize a few of the key points we've just covered.
Wσ talkeΣ abou⌠ thσ threσ ke∙ component≤ oµ implementinτ cooperativσ ì
computinτ -¡ technology¼ applications¼ support,anΣ HP'≤ leadershi≡ iε ì
those three components.
Iε technology║ Ou≥ commitmen⌠ t∩ standard≤ anΣ ou≥ ke∙ technologie≤ ì
becominτ standards« HP'≤ broaΣ linσ oµ compatiblσ systems¼ networkinτ ì
leadership and strategic alliances.
Iε applications║ 20░ solution≤ froφ severa∞ value-addeΣ businesses¼ ì
number one rating in VARBUSINESS.
Iε support║ HP'≤ numbe≥ onσ iε custome≥ satisfactioε rating¼ ou≥ superio≥ ì
reputation, and our multivendor support capabilities.
Wholesalσ Distributioε Strategiπ Focu≤ ì
**********¬ ì
No≈ wσ arσ goinτ t∩ talδ abou⌠ HP'≤ strategiπ focu≤ anΣ commitmen⌠ iε ì
thσ wholesalσ distributioε market« H╨ focuse≤ oε eigh⌠ targe⌠ market≤ ì
iε wholesalσ duσ t∩ thei≥ size¼ sale≤ opportunities¼ experience¼ anΣ ì
best-in-class solutions targeting these segments.
NOTE║ H╨ ha≤ thσ ke∙ solution≤ fo≥ thσ to≡ larges⌠ segments¼ ì
howeve≥ H╨ als∩ ha≤ solution≤ tha⌠ targe⌠ man∙ othe≥ wholesalσ segments« ì
HP's Leadership in Wholesale
Froφ ß corporatσ leve∞ dowε t∩ thσ individua∞ sale≤ offices¼ H╨ ha≤ ß ì
strong commitment to the wholesale distribution marketplace.
HP'≤ strength≤ includσ ß commitmen⌠ t∩ understandinτ thσ uniquσ need≤ oµ ì
wholesalσ distributor≤ anΣ providinτ thσ bes⌠ solution≤ t∩ mee⌠ thesσ ì
needs« A≤ yo⌡ caε see¼ thesσ solution≤ includσ ß widσ rangσ oµ ì
industry-specifiπ softwarσ solution≤ combineΣ witΦ H╨ product≤ tha⌠ arσ ì
renowneΣ fo≥ thei≥ qualit∙ anΣ reliability--anΣ solution≤ tha⌠ wil∞ ì
enablσ wholesaler-distributor≤ t∩ achievσ thei≥ ke∙ busines≤ goal≤ anΣ ì
remain competitive into the 1990s.
H╨ i≤ ablσ t∩ demonstratσ thi≤ commitmen⌠ t∩ thσ industr∙ witΦ ß soliΣ ì
referencσ basσ oµ ove≥ 2,00░ wholesalσ customer≤ anΣ marketinτ ì
sales/resources dedicated to meeting their needs.
H╨ als∩ claim≤ membershi≡ iε ß numbe≥ oµ regiona∞ anΣ nationa∞ wholesalσ ì
distributioε organizations« Wσ participatσ iε industr∙ conference≤ anΣ ì
nationa∞ anΣ regiona∞ tradσ show≤ sucΦ a≤ thσ NAED¼ IDA¼ NEDA¼ ì
PHCP-Expo, and NOPA.
(T∩ tailo≥ t∩ audience¼ looδ u≡ industry-segmen⌠ association≤ iε "Thσ ì
Wholesale Industry Fundamentals" book, P/N 22894-90016.)
H╨ Wholesalσ Industr∙ Organizatioε ì
**********¬ ì
Froφ ß marketinτ perspective¼ H╨ ha≤ ß stronτ commitmen⌠ t∩ thσ ì
wholesalσ distributioε industr∙ demonstrateΣ b∙ thi≤ slide« A≤ onσ oµ ì
HP'≤ targe⌠ industries¼ thσ wholesalσ distributioε marke⌠ receive≤ ß ì
higΦ leve∞ oµ attentioε froφ al∞ area≤ oµ ou≥ company« A≤ aε example¼ ì
ou≥ produc⌠ marketinτ team≤ consistentl∙ seeδ ou⌠ thσ need≤ oµ ou≥ ì
wholesalσ customer≤ s∩ tha⌠ ou≥ R&─ team≤ caε worδ oε futurσ product≤ ì
with this market need in mind.
Marketinτ program≤ iε thσ wholesalσ distributioε industr∙ arσ closel∙ ì
aligneΣ witΦ thσ produc⌠ group≤ anΣ thσ sale≤ organizatioε workinτ ì
togethe≥ t∩ bes⌠ mee⌠ ß customer≤ needs« Iε short¼ wσ believσ ver∙ ì
strongly in our commitment to the wholesale distribution industry.
Intelligent Electronics
Herσ yo⌡ caε seσ HP'≤ experiencσ iε somσ oµ thσ large≥ wholesaler≤ iε ì
thσ U.S« anΣ Canadß acros≤ industr∙ segments« Intelligen⌠ Electronic≤ ì
i≤ ß grea⌠ example« The∙ arσ customer≤ oµ HP'≤ equipment¼ specificall∙ ì
PC≤ anΣ peripherals¼ anΣ the∙ arσ user≤ oµ H╨ hardwarσ anΣ value-addeΣ ì
business solutions. They chose HP.
Agropur/Natre∞ oµ Quebec¼ Canadß i≤ onσ oµ thσ larges⌠ milδ anΣ dair∙ ì
produc⌠ distributioε companie≤ iε Canada« The∙ decideΣ t∩ develo≡ ß ì
new¼ custom¼ state-of-thσ ar⌠ compute≥ systeφ t∩ mee⌠ thei≥ requirement≤ ì
in the sales and delivery area. They chose HP.
Unisource Corporation
Unisource¼ onσ oµ thσ larges⌠ pape≥ product≤ distributor≤ iε thσ wes⌠ ì
coas⌠ needeΣ ß substantia∞ compute≥ systeφ t∩ hel≡ thσ compan∙ managσ ì
it≤ busines≤ anΣ distributσ thσ 50,00░ produc⌠ line≤ i⌠ stocks« The∙ ì
chose HP.
Darter, Inc.
Darter¼ ß medium-sizeΣ industria∞ equipmen⌠ anΣ supplie≤ distributo≥ iε ì
thσ Midwes⌠ rapidl∙ growinτ b∙ acquisitioε needeΣ ß compute≥ systeφ ì
flexible enough to manage its needs. They chose HP.
Experiencσ -¡ HP'≤ Leadershi≡ ¡ Spectruφ ì
**********¬ ì
Herσ arσ somσ direc⌠ quote≤ froφ customer≤ talkinτ abou⌠ thei≥ ì
experiencσ witΦ H╨ solution≤ iε wholesale« Thesσ quote≤ arσ typica∞ oµ ì
wha⌠ HP'≤ wholesalσ distributioε customer≤ tel∞ u≤ abou⌠ thei≥ hardware¼ ì
their support services, and their applications.
Experiencσ -¡ HP'≤ Leadershi≡ ¡ I┼ ì
**********¬ ì
A direct quote from one of our largest electronic distributors.
Experiencσ -¡ HP'≤ Leadershi≡ ¡ HoneyBakeΣ ì
**********¬ ì
Thesσ customer≤ arσ al∞ focuseΣ oε achievinτ maximuφ productivity« The∙ ì
arσ verbalizinτ somσ oµ thσ benefit≤ oµ H╨ solutions« Scalable¼ ì
cost-effectivσ hardwarσ anΣ gettinτ informatioε t∩ thσ peoplσ wh∩ neeΣ ì
Why Choose HP? (Summary Slide)
Iε summary¼ I'Σ likσ t∩ reinforcσ thσ ke∙ point≤ a≤ t∩ wh∙ H╨ i≤ thσ ì
best choice as your partner in automation.
H╨ i≤ thσ leade≥ iε opeε systems« Wσ havσ thσ stronges⌠ commitmen⌠ t∩ ì
Opeε System≤ anΣ standards« Wσ no⌠ onl∙ takσ aε activσ rolσ iε settinτ ì
standards, we are driving our own innovations into standards.
Wσ suppl∙ leadinτ hardwarσ anΣ thσ broades⌠ opeε system≤ solution≤ iε ì
thσ industry« Ou≥ hardware¼ networking¼ anΣ strategiπ alliance≤ pu⌠ u≤ ì
in a good position to be the leader in technology in the 1990s.
H╨ ha≤ ß broaΣ rangσ oµ solution≤ available¼ includinτ ove≥ 20░ ì
wholesalσ industr∙ application≤ froφ ou≥ value-addeΣ busines≤ partners« ì
Wσ arσ thσ numbe≥ onσ vendo≥ iε custome≥ support¼ anΣ havσ beeε fo≥ eigh⌠ ì
years. HP will also provide support for multivendor networks.
H╨ ha≤ ß stronτ commitmen⌠ t∩ thσ wholesalσ distributioε industry« Froφ ì
thσ highes⌠ level≤ oµ ou≥ company¼ H╨ i≤ committeΣ t∩ providinτ ou≥ ì
wholesale-distributioε customer≤ witΦ leadershi≡ iε cooperativσ ì
computing in the 1990s.
Hewlett-Packard...Leadership/iε Wholesalσ Distributioε Computinτ iε thσ ì
1990≤ (Closinτ slide--cal∞ t∩ action⌐ ì
**********¬ ì
Usσ thi≤ a≤ aε opportunit∙ t∩ thanδ you≥ audience¼ anΣ fo≥ you≥ cal∞ t∩ ì
action (next steps).